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Price £25.00

Deluxe Reflexology with foot spa £30.00

Reflexology is the practice of applying pressure to the feet. The origins of reflexology are linked to Egyptian times, with evidence found inscribed in a tomb dating back to 2300BC.

The Feet mirror the body, all organs, systems and glands of the body can be mapped onto areas of the feet called reflex points. As a Qualified Practitioner I can feel crystal deposits on your feet which could indicate areas of sluggish energy flow. Crystals are then broken down to restore energy flow, thus enabling the body to get rid of toxic waste products and heal itself.

The benefits of a treatment;

Aid to relaxation (leads to deep state of relaxation)

❖ helps with the balance of hormones

​❖ helps to release natural pain killing hormone

❖ Increased energy levels

❖ Blood and lymphatic circulation can be improved

❖ Improvement to muscle tone

❖ Gives sense of well-being


Treatment  45 mins 

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